Wednesday, March 08, 2006

The Ties That Bind

Strange the catalyst of connections I have become in my world. Strange to see the way things fall when you let them all go. Even stranger to see the hatred that some can hold for so long. I cannot help what I am. And I cannot change what it is that you choose to make out of that fundament. That is on your soul I suppose. I thought that I was able to stop the way I change the world if I just willed myself to do nothing in it. Seems not to be the case. I am destined to shape the future whether I am willing to do so or not.

So, there comes my question. Is it better to steer the current though I don't whether I am truly right or not OR is it better to let it change unaltered consciously?

It is apparent I cannot stop the effect. All I truly have control over is whether I make an attempt to drive or let it go on auto-pilot. I will always be a soul with a Sharpie. Some call it art and others graffiti.

Strange to know as the decades pass that I will have left an indelible mark on the fabric of those I touch. Often much to my own chagrin. Strange to be given a "gift" and not have a clue what to do with it in the end.


Anonymous said...

flux is constant. make choices, be brave.

Ty said...

Hi Louis. Thank you for your comments. I'm glad you are doing well.


Anonymous said...

hey louis i think youd be better off if you told this fake bitchy little faggot what you really thought of him, ty admit your another stupid faggot who only pretends to care , while dreaming of sucking louis'DISEASED COCK!!!

Louis Casinelli said...

WOW! My dick gets capital letters.