Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Dream A Little Dream

I just had the wierdest dream....

I go to meet a trick. It is, exteriorly, a stereo-typical apartment complex. For some reason, I don't knock I just enter. it is dark and disheveled. Almost in a half-moved in way. Without further exploration, I notice a journal of some sort and take to reading recent entries. The "journal" graphically details in scratchy text and morbid drawing luring two guys over as tricks and cutting them into slices slowly and meticulously. For some reason, with book in hand, I walk out to catch "trick" looking down at the journal and start to recede down the steps. I tell him that I was not going to tell anyone. That I was hoping I was not one of the guys but I was deeply curious about the whole deal. He assures me repeatedly that he did not do the acts but was merely a faggot scorned with a vivid imagination. We return to the mess in the living room. He offers me up a reference to getting fucked up while reaching for papers to roll a joint. I tell him I don't get high while secretly hoping he would offer me something more brutal to get "fucked up on." I head to the bathroom through an EXPANSIVE half-constructed maze of an "apartment." After the second no-go or disaster without walls or real plumbing (one toilet was actually nothing but the bottom half set upon plywood) toilet I hear the "bf" come home. He proceeds to bitch about me loud enough for me to hear but not to my face. I confront him and it turns out he is mad at me for not approving his vacation time at First Contact. I explained I quit and he calmed down and I woke up.

Any explanation?


two star general said...

Hmm, maybe you are harboring a deep feeling for someone you feel is miss understood and wringfully out casted. The part about the vacay time could simply be your guilt manifested for quiting on this person. Or I could be wrong and the whole dream is about penis. who knows.

Ty said...

It is just a dream, Louis.
Don't you dare quit on me.

Ty said...

You need to write a new blog, babe. I don't care for this one.

I'm proud of you for being a champ today. The past few days have been unbelievable. I love you.

Best Poker Rooms said...

Likely yes