Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Little Green Man. We need to have a talk...

So, I spent most of my conscious day playing on my Gamecube. I am that nerd. Yes, I like taking my frustrations out on X-Men Legends. And bet your ass I will go back to playing it after I write this post. I had an extensive conversation with my roommate covering everything from the extent some people will go to hurt others to the economic downfall of America in a post-Chinese WTO participation world. Then, I read quite a few blogs, left my 35 cents, and thought.

It is that point in one's life for me (I am growing to learn) where you have to turn inward for most of the answers. Have that sit down tea on Dagobah with your own personal Yoda. He has the answers. You need to listen . I thought it was ODD as hell that so many people are talking about not changing or changing the people around themselves. Seems everybody is tolling their opinion bells about whether it is morally or ethically right to "help" someone. Or if you can only truly "help" yourself.

I have tried helping many. Like to think I have done some good. Know I have done some bad. Settled my accounts receivable on that matter. Now, I need to turn inward and learn. I have so much to offer me. Yoda and I are gonna get a tan from my Eternal Sunshine on the beaches of my Murky Mind.

P.S. Next time I go to dismantle anything mechanical. I.E. Things with gears. Like JUST FOR EXAMPLE a bicycle, would some one freaking tell me no. Louis! Back away from the device. Cuz only God knows what that pile of metal is in the garage now, but I won't be riding it to Grandma's anytime soon. And when the fuck did you need a tool called a "Chain Tool" to take the obviously associated part off the frame?? As a kid, I could never get mine to stay on. Goodnight all. Yoda said the tea is getting cold.

The weekend was more than a man has any right to dream for Ty. Thank you so much.


Anonymous said...

Hey there, you know I got out of bed and had to bbot up the computer to write a post for YOU on my blog. Go check it out, and maybe you will email me and we can talk about life. I think I might be able to help you.

I am further up the path than you are at thins point, so what do you have to loose.


two star general said...

Yoda says helping others is helping yourself because you are building the bridge of the future and these people will in turn help you when you fall.

Ty said...

It's all about balance. Yoda and Obi-Wan both will tell you that, and if you've ever seen Yoda fight, you'll know it's true, because with his light saber he floats on air and he could not do so without a sense of balance. As you perform actions in your life, take a look at the air bubble in the balance indicator. It should be right in the middle - give help and receive it, laugh and cry, heal and be healed. Karma is a force of nature. And may the force be with you.

Jim said...

Well written, Warrior. Introspection and growth, co-req's for every corner turned.

I've found my strongest influence on others has come indirectly from taking care of myself and being myself.