Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Shark Infested Waters

Anything you say can and will be used against you in a gaggle of queers. "Your entire generation is nothing but Gucci bag toting, fang bearing evil faggots!" -Me circa Last Summer

And why is it that we have grown so malicious over the years. Each generation getting progressively more hateful and competitive. Like suddenly the amount of available gay men plummets every few years. Whereas, in reality, it increases. More tolerance allowing more to come out and less gay relationships surviving the third week. We are becoming more and more obsessed with finding that 11 in a sea of self-proclaimed 10s. All of our criteria mangled by advertising execs and biased television writers.

When I was in my late teens and very early 20s, we were playfully mean. And yeah we gossiped and were occasionally back-stabbers. But it was looked down upon then. It was often a political defense tactic in the club when wronged. Now, just like football, people go to the bar just to drink and watch it with fellow enthusiasts of the sport.

You have your perennial allstars that can be counted on to craftily and brutally abuse someone for the entertainment of others. You have the people who stand back and start shit just to watch. And you have the people who inevitably fall prey to the pit viper pretty boys who can't even buy their own alcohol. It upsets me that being and pompous is the new fucking pink.

But I cannot change it. That is why I don't like going out anymore. People are mean or embarrassingly fucked up. WOW! I feel so much better.


two star general said...

right on.

Anonymous said...

Well, what we have to remember is that these type of people can only operate within a certain domain (i.e. the bar scene). Severing ourselves from this can be difficult if it is the only "gay life" we have ever known, and for most of us, indeed it was the only place to "be" gay. Realizing that we can exist, and DO exist outside of this realm is very liberating, and then the razor tounged reality becomes laffable, and fodder for our more superior minds to witness. Detachment from this can sometimes feel like leaving a happy home: our perception at home of those places far off can be scary, but once we're there, we can't believe that we were scared to leave, and we realize how much is truly out there FOR us instead of AGAINST us.

Ty said...

You can avoid sharks completely by staying out of the ocean. It is pretty to look at, but I don't have to swim in it.

Anonymous said...

hahaha ... Tommy says to stop writing about him... *wink*

Brettcajun said...

Well, I am a bar regular, but I don't engage in mean barbs or gossip. I am the type that goes around hugging people and smiling. I feel like I am "normal" to be among my brethren. New Orleans bars still have that downhome "everybody knows everybody" charm.

Jim said...

I dont know if they are getting meaner or my tolerance for the high school girl routine has dropped to zero. I have more important things to do in either case

I stil venture out a couple times a year, if only to stop the rumors that I'm dead. Apparently last month I died having sex while skydiving over the Rockies.

Definitely time to get out again :)