Sunday, January 08, 2006

Yu Wan Mo Kok

So, I had a great day with Ty-Ty yesterday. We ran all around town. I was out of bed and all functional at a crazy early hour for me. 9:30AM! LOL I know. I am lazy. Especially when I wanted to stay in bed with a hot guy, but it is good for me to get up early and get out of the house once in a while. We went to Barnes and Nobles and looked for board games in West Ashley with no success. I love wandering the bookstore.

After smelling the books and picking up a few interesting facts by random perusal, we headed to the Tasty Wok. A Chinese buffet. I had an upset tummy so I ate little. Ty-Ty and his hot self caught the attentions of a hot little eastern-euro boy who I kept calling Jann. I have a habit of being outspoken in public and this tends to embarrass Ty. HeHe. Shortly thereafter, a large group of Hispanics gets sat right next to us. So while Ty is at the buffet and I am silently sipping my Coke and nibbling on my food, I hear the Asian waitress, who spoke broken English, speaking in broken Spanish. Now, I found this EXTREMELY amusing. Her accent and that language? Classic! Well with the original "Classic" in a tea pitcher and an industrious spirit, the aforementioned waitress comes darting across the floor towards us. At about 15 feet, or three tables away, she blurts out in Asian staccato, "You wan' more cock?" Ty's face swiftly bleeds red and I am dumb struck with the hilarity and can only manage a giggly "sure." To which Ty, finally able to look me in the eye, says, "YES! I heard her. Don't say a word." I had to cover my face with a napkin while I silently laughed my ass off. And now, I can only think how ironic the name of the restaurant truly is. BTW the had a big ass Fugu fish in front. Pretty cool.

1 comment:

Ty said...

You are too much, Lu-Lu. One of the many things I love about you is how interesting and amusing life is when I'm with you. Thank you for this weekend.
By the way, um there's a fuckin bird under the table.