Monday, January 02, 2006

Fallen Star

I have been accurately referred to as a fallen star. It is true, but I don't think the person who identified that trait in me realizes the implications. Maybe I didn't until it was pointed out to me. I was a star. Burning bright. Manipulating all the heavenly bodies that came within my grasp for better or for worse. As a star, among the many, I think one loses touch with something. I wanted to be like the sun raining life giving energy down on all the people of earth. Fixing their problems. Letting them bask in my warmth. But everybody knows too much sun is a bad thing. And now, for reasons both in and out of my control, I have "fallen" back to earth. Among the people I thought to help. Ruled by my mortality and emotions.

In the days since my meteoric return to humanity, I realize how out of touch I truly am/was with people. And how was it, as a "star," that I thought to fix a world I hardly recognized? I cannot right my wrongs. They exist as separate from me as I was from knowledge of their occurrence. I find it truly humbling back with my head below the clouds and my feet rooted on the ground. What is more, the sensation of contentment I am growing to feel concerning myself with my own health and well-being. Not worrying about others who never wanted me meddling in the first place. All the good intentions in the world amount to little if you are not welcome.

I will enjoy being a denizen of earth for a while. Maybe when next I ascend to the sky with more wisdom than knowledge, I will be more the beautiful passing comet and less the meteor raining from the sky.


Ty said...

This comment is for Lou, not Louis:
Labels are meant for soup cans, not people. Be your own messiah. Forget about the masses, and liberate yourself.
Now listen to this and listen good, dammit. Turn your healing energy within. You cannot, make that we cannot, afford to waste it.

And for Louis: Thank you for being so sweet this weekend. You are beautiful.

two star general said...

This is for Ty, who didn't make me a "team member" so I couldn't respond to his blog. Thanks bro.
Fuck him. Anyone that can spout off with out given the person a chance for rebuttle obvouisly has no gorund to stand on to back up their argument. It sounds to me that this person is a spoiled little rich boy, and if he tries to hurt your feelings don't let him. If you spend your time saying your sorry for evolving and growing up then you will actually lose all that you have fought to gain. The greatest thing you can do is reflect, learn, and move on. When I read your blog about this particualr person I thought it was insightful and sincere, not hurtful. If this person took it that way it is because they are still young and walking around with lollie pops stuck up their ass. So, to conclude, fuck him and keep doing what you're doing without apologies.

two star general said...

Tell me when you're a big star will you miss the earth?

Ty said...

Louis please tell your sister thank her very much for her comment, it made me feel better. Sheila, you rock.

Louis Casinelli said...

No more middle man. I gave her your number this time. HeHe. Hey, she asked.

Anonymous said...

One cannot fix the worlds problems until you fix your own, without the hands on experience what do you have to show? We are powerless over people, places and things, and I know as well as you do that we both deal with certain "Issues," that are unique to ourselves.

Once one realizes that they are NOT the center of the universe and that the heavens do not revolve around you, then and only then will progress begin.

Don't let people tarnish your star or shade your light. Be who you were meant to be and "screw" the rest of them. YOU are in control of just how much crap from others you allow to affect you. That's a big lesson.

It is better to spend time getting to know yourself and healing from within, because without inner healing you cannot begin to try and heal the world around you.

Stay on the path, starbright!!

Everyone is unique and has a purpose, maybe you've seen what needs to be done within, that is grace. Every day must be used to do good Beginning with Yourself.

An unhealthy body and mind spread nothing but discord and division. Gather your strengths and work on your weaknesses then and only then will your starlight be honest and true.

Been here Done this...


One cannot serve two Masters.