Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Hook, Line, and Sinker

Why is it that some people are perpetually doomed to repeat stupid mistakes? I mean you would think that after enough time anyone would know that they are literally history repeating itself. I have retired from the advice and solace business. The pay is shit and the customers are ungrateful. So, my sage advice is no longer for free. Classes are cancelled and all private audiences must be rebooked with another of our staff councilors...

On brighter note. Birthday went well. Very well. Spent it with my newly affirmed "boyfriend." He hates the term. Says it does not properly convey the unique and powerful relationship we have with each other. It has already received the coveted SisterSeal of Approval. I am excited and relieved that things are going in this direction. For a minute there, I thought my boat had shifted into the windless doldrums, but no. I am right on course.

As for the rest of my life, doing great it seems. I am becoming more and more active with LAS. Got a volunteer class to speak for with Saturday. Worked with CHAMP this week. It is a young gay men's group providing extra-bar activities and support as well as developing community outreach and leadership development. That was pretty exciting. They are undergoing a face lift so it shall be interesting to see the outcome. I am hoping to be an integral part of this change.

Later to come... Swiss Army Hands!


two star general said...

I want swiss army hands! Sorry about Mr. Stank. But don't worry in about a month he will come crawling back.

two star general said...

If a man has two hooks for hands how does he wipe his butt?

Anonymous said...

It is written that ...

People who do not learn their lessons the first time are destined to repeat their mistakes until they do !!

two star general said...

Is there anything new coming soon??