Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Popped my Cherry. Now where to?

Ok guys and gals. I have just started this blogging thing a few weeks ago. I am having fun and I am fostering a few ideas on exactly where I want to go with it. What I would love to do now though is take suggestions or questions about me, my life, philosophies and opinions. What do you, my few but notable readers, want to hear? What about me would intrigue you? I am an extremely frank and open person. So, aside from blatant attempts to get fuel for your personal spank bank, I will answer most anything. If someone who knows me well has any suggestions as to what stories they think the blogging populace would like to hear, let me know. Eventually, I am gonna take all the descriptors in my profile and expound on them in depth as to why I think they fit me. Maybe once a week. Not to toot my horn (Lord knows I do that enough when I am alone,) but I have led an amazingly interesting and multi-faceted life. I think that is part of what has helped me accept living with HIV quicker than my instinct to self pity may have otherwise permitted. Don't forget to check out the links to other people, friends, family, and others, that i find interesting so far. And if you would like to be added let me know so I can check out your blog. I am avidly searching for additional contributors to the Army's Headquarters - a site for fighting the stigma of HIV/AIDS. And, no, you do not have to be positive to join and help just passionate and sympathetic to the cause. When I get the designs done all regular contributor's will get Orion's Army shirts. Thanks for the help blogophiles.

-The Lou

1 comment:

OLY said...

Hey there... just came across your blog through Dariens site.. good work and look forward to what you have to write about! Cheers!!