Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Who is Huckleberry Hound? Part IV

So, since then, I have lived in Charleston. My sister has moved to Knoxville, TN. I have had my ups and downs, but she has always been a phone call away. The last major fall from grace I had she said something that will always stay with me. She said, "I am not even getting myself worked up and worried this time. You have soared and dived a hundred times in your life, and some way or another, you always find your wings and fly higher than before." This was over pizza and a rude little waitress.

We live from visit to visit in this pcs-to-pcs free minutes world. Each calling each other to update with the good, the bad and the downright ugly. She keeps my chin up and my mind on the right course. We have grown so much that she knows from calling patterns what is going on in my life. Whether I am sick, misbehaving, even getting enough sleep. It is the most important relationship I have in my life. I can go to her abut anything. LOL Well, we mutually agree that the GRAPHIC details of my on again off again wild sex life be kept to a minimum. She is my princess. She is my rock. As people come and go in my life, as they oft do, she is my constant. A barometer. She helps me survive more than she will ever comprehend. I love you, Shiela. We will always have Wisconsin, bitch!


Anonymous said...

Cheers from Montreal

I came by way of your comment you left me - so I blogrolled you as well. I think it is important to write wherever you are on your journey, the living of life is incredibly important. You just gotta fight hard to live, and keep a open mind to the "whatever works" method to living with HIV. Sometimes the unorthodox works well along with the medical systems.

Keep your chin up and remember you are not alone. it's been an uphill battle for the last 13 years for me.

Merry HO Ho Christmas


two star general said...

Aww I am gushing. I saw orion tonight and thought of you. My suggestion for a blog if I may would be to write about your slave labor job on granmas farm. Everytime you tell that story I laugh so hard I damn near piss myself. Also, I think it would be interesting for you to write about the family, but hear is the catch it has to be happy. Ow I know it may be difficult for you, but I think it will be a great leaning tool.

Ty said...

I certainly don't care to hear about the "graphic details" of your wild sex life either, thank you very much.
And about my christmas blog, it was meant to be satirical, I don't necessarily feel that way about the meaning of Christmas, I just wanted to make you laugh. Affection is much, much,much better than a Crack-whore Barbie.